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Home | Legislation | Medicare for All Act of 2023 Endorsing Organizations

Medicare for All Act of 2023 Endorsing Organizations


African Communities Together (ACT); AIDS Healthcare Foundation; American Humanist Association; American Medical Student Association (AMSA); Americans for Democratic Action (ADA); Annie Appleseed Project; Association of Flight Attendants – CWA; Bayard Rustin Liberation Initiative; Be A Hero ; Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes Division; Business Leaders for Health Care Transformation; Caring Across Generations; CASA; Center for Common Ground; Center for Health and Democracy; Center for LGBTQ Economic Advancement and Research (CLEAR); Center for Popular Democracy; Committee of Interns and Residents/SEIU; Community Change Action ; Debs-Jones-Douglass Institute; Demand Progress; Democratic Socialists of America; DUH – Demand Universal Healthcare; Equality Federation; ES Publishing; Food & Water Watch; FORGE, Inc.; Friends of the Earth; Grassroots Global Justice Alliance; Green New Deal Network; Healthcare-NOW; Indivisible; International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE); International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers (IFPTE); Japanese American Citizens Leauge; Justice Democrats; Labor Campaign for Single Payer; League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC); MoveOn; MPower Change Action Fund; Muslim Delegates and Allies Coalition; National Council of Jewish Women; National Domestic Workers Alliance; National Education Association; National Health Care for the Homeless Council; National Immigration Law Center; National Korean American Service & Education Consortium (NAKASEC); National LGBT Cancer Network; National Network for Arab American Communities (NNAAC); National Nurses United; National Union of Healthcare Workers; Network Lobby for Catholic Social Justice ; One Fair Wage; One Payer States; Other98 ; Our Revolution; PCUSA Washington Office of Public Witness; PDA Central Florida; People Power United; People’s Action ; PFLAG National; Progressive Democrats of America; Progressives for Democracy in America – Florida; Public Citizen; Service Employees International Union (SEIU); Social Security Works; Sunrise Movement; Tahirih Justice Center; UE Eastern region; UltraViolet Action; United Church of Christ Justice and Local Church Ministries; United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America (UE); United Mine Workers of America; United We Dream; Utility Workers Union of America; Ventura County Activists for Bernie Sanders 2020 #OurRevolution; Voto Latino; Whitman-Walker Institute; Women’s March; Working Families Party;


Action NC; Action Together Florida; AFT Washington Retiree Chapter 3045R; California Democratic Party – Senior Caucus; Campaign for New York Health; Children’s Home Society of Washington; Citizen Action of New York; Citizen Action of Wisconsin ; Colorado Foundation for Universal Health Care (CO4UHC); Colorado Healthcare Coalition; Colorado Working Families Party ; Columbia Legal Services; Connecticut Working Families Power ; Consumers Council of Missouri; Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida; EEC Partners in Change; Equity in Education Coalition; Fayetteville Police Accountability Community Taskforce ; FLORIDIANS FOR HEALTH CARE; Health & Medicine Policy Research Group; Health Care For All Colorado; Health Care for All MN; Health Care for All North Carolina; Health Care for All Oregon ; Health Care For All Texas; Health Care is a Human Right WA; Healthcare For All – South Carolina; Hometown Action ; Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement; Louisiana Democratic Party Disability Caucus; Maine AllCare; Maine People’s Alliance; Mainers for Accountable Leadership; Mass Peace Action, Fund Healthcare Not Warfare; Medicare for All Florida; Medicare for All Indiana; Michigan For Single Payer Healthcare; Michigan United; Missouri Chapter, Progressive Democrats of America; New Jersey Universal Healthcare Coalition ; New Mexico Working Families Party; New York Immigration Coalition ; New York Progressive Action Network (NYPAN); NJ State Industrial Union Council; North Carolina Medicare for All Coalition; OneAmerica; Our Revolution New Jersey; Our Wisconsin Revolution; PDA-CA; PDA Illinois ; Physicians for a Naional health Program – Washington State Chapter; Poor People’s Campaign of Louisiana; Progressive Democrats of America – Massachusetts; Progressive Democrats of America, Maryland; Progressive Democrats of America, Oregon Chapter ; Progressive Democrats of America – Virginia; Progressive Democrats of America, Orange County Chapter ; Progressive Maryland; Rights & Democracy; Social Security Works WA Coalition; Take Action Minnesota; Tennessee Health Care Campaign; The People’s Fellowship of North Carolina ; Transhealth; UE150; Washington Community Action Network ; West Virginia Citizen Action Group; World interdependence fund;


Asian Counseling and Referral Service; Bronx/NYPAN; Callen-Lorde Community Health Center; Clean The Pacific; Communities United; Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association; DSA–Santa Barbara; Finger Lakes for New York Health Act; Florida Sixth District Healthcare Action Group; Focus Pathology Medical Laboratory PLLC; Foundation for Integrative AIDS Research (FIAR); Franklin County (MA) Continuing the Political Revolution; Friends of the Jorthern San Jacinto Valley; Grassroots Alexandria; HCAMN Health Care for All MN; Health Care for All Fremont County; Health Care Justice — North Carolina ; Healthcare for All Working Group , Sonoma County, CA; Labor Community Alliance of South Florida; LGBTQ Allyship; Longmont Area Democrats; Nurses for Single Payer; Our Revolution Greater Fall River ; Our Revolution Northern Virginia; Our Revolution Ocean County, NJ; Philadelphia Neighborhood Networks; Progressive Democrats of America, Montgomery County Maryland; Rolland Fellows; Seattle Indivisible; SO CO QUILTBAG; South Shore Medicare for All Coalition; Southern Illinois People for Progress; Space Coast DSA ; The Rutgers Adjunct Union; Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Hidalgo County Texas; VOICES FOR HEALTH & HEALING; Wallingford Indivisible; Working Families Will County;

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