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Dingell Introduces Legislation to Keep Children’s Cosmetics Safe

Bill comes after asbestos was found in cosmetics marketed to children at Claire’s

U.S. Congresswoman Debbie Dingell (MI-12) today introduced legislation mandating that all cosmetics marketed to children are demonstrated to be free of asbestos or otherwise carry a warning label. Dingell introduced the Children’s Product Warning Label Act of 2018 after accessories retailer Claire’s pulled 17 products from their shelves in December after asbestos was found in cosmetics marketed to children. Even small levels of asbestos can cause diseases like lung cancer and mesothelioma many years after exposure. 

“Parents across the country should have the peace of mind in knowing that the cosmetics they buy for their children are safe. Yet we were all stunned when the retailer Claire’s pulled 17 products from their shelves after asbestos was found in cosmetics marketed to children, including glitter and eye shadow,” said Dingell. “No child should be exposed to asbestos through the use of common, everyday products. That is why I introduced the Children’s Product Warning Label Act of 2018, which would require all cosmetics marketed to children to contain a warning label that the product may contain asbestos unless the manufacturer can prove otherwise to the FDA.  

“A broad overhaul of FDA’s authority over cosmetics and personal care products is long overdue and is the best way to address this problem. We need to pass comprehensive legislation to create a user fee program for cosmetics and give the FDA the authority to review the most dangerous ingredients so they can keep people safe. But if Congress is unwilling to consider this approach, we should start taking common sense steps to protect our children by passing my legislation to ensure consumers have all the facts about the products they purchase. Congress must make this a priority in 2018.”

The Children’s Product Warning Label Act requires all cosmetics marketed to children to contain a warning label that the product has not been evaluated for asbestos contamination unless the manufacturer of the product attests in writing to the Secretary that the source is an asbestos free-mine, and that they demonstrate to FDA that the product is asbestos-free using the transmission electron microscopy method. 

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