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Dingell Introduces Legislation to Strengthen Social Security

U.S. Congresswoman Debbie Dingell (MI-12), Vice-Chair of the House Democratic Caucus Seniors Task Force, joined Congressman John Larson (CT-05) in introducing legislation to strengthen and enhance the Social Security program for future generations. H.R. 1902, the Social Security 2100 Act, will provide a benefit bump for current and future beneficiaries and keep the system strong for generations to come.

“Seniors matter and we have a moral obligation to fight for them and to be their voice in strengthening and protecting Social Security,” Dingell said. “Social Security helped move millions of seniors out of poverty and it is now the backbone of our safety net. This legislation will build on the original legislation co-authored by my father-in-law John Dingell, Sr. and championed by FDR. Both observed when Social Security was signed into law more than 80 years ago that seniors should be able to retire with dignity and not face poverty in old age. At a time when Americans are feeling less secure about retirement, we need to keep our promise to them. We should enhance the one program they have been able to depend on and ensure it is strong, solvent and workable for decades to come.”

The Social Security 2100 Act provides:

  • Tax cut for over 10 million Social Security recipients by raising the threshold on taxation of benefits
  • Benefit bump beginning in 2018 for current and new beneficiaries
  • Protection for low income workers by raising the minimum benefit from below the poverty line to 25% above
  • Long term protection against inflation for cost of living adjustments (COLA) by adopting the CPI-E formula

Social Security remains the single most reliable program for working Americans. The program has never missed a payment and is expected to pay full benefits over the next two decades. With commonsense steps like those in the Social Security 2100 Act, Congress can boost this vital program now and ensure Social Security remains strong well into the future. The Social Security 2100 Act is cosponsored by 156 Members of the House of Representatives.

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