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Dingell Statement on Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation Strategy

Congresswoman Debbie Dingell (MI-12) today released the following statement after the Department of the Interior announced a multi-state conservation strategy to protect the greater sage-grouse and preclude the bird’s listing through the Endangered Species Act.

“Today’s announcement by the Department of the Interior that the greater sage-grouse does not need protection under the Endangered Species Act is an accomplishment we should celebrate. This historic collaboration clearly shows that the Endangered Species Act can serve the needs of our communities and our critical natural resources if it is allowed to work as intended. This law was established to serve as a flexible and effective catalyst for conservation, and the strategy announced today represents an extraordinary partnership between the Department of the Interior and eleven western states to protect the greater sage-grouse and hundreds of other wildlife species that call this landscape home. 

“The effort sets the groundwork for a 21st century approach to conservation where states, communities, businesses and the federal government work hand in hand to protect wildlife, our iconic landscapes, and our local economies; and it is further evidence that the Endangered Species Act is working and must be protected.”

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