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Dingell Statement on President Trump’s Executive Order to Dismantle Programs that Combat Climate Change

U.S. Congresswoman Debbie Dingell (MI-12) released the following statement after President Trump signed an executive order dismantling a number of programs designed to combat climate change.

“Today the President rolled back years of progress to reduce carbon emissions, decrease pollution and make our environment a better, cleaner place to live. In Michigan and throughout the Great Lakes region, we know that we do not own the earth; we merely borrow it from future generations. This short-sighted executive order abdicates our responsibility to leave the earth better than we found it for our children and grandchildren.

“Today’s decision ignores the reality of climate change while signaling to the world that we are no longer willing to be a leader in addressing one of our most pressing global challenges, nor are we prepared to take advantage of the opportunities that come with the clean energy economy. Other countries will willingly step up and take our place, and both our environment and economy will suffer as a result.

“We cannot afford to stand on the sidelines and watch the dismantling of the progress that has been made to protect the environment and the health of the American people. Congress needs to come together to ensure our nation stays on a path to a cleaner, more sustainable future.”

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