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Dingell Statement on Secretary DeVos’ Announcement on Title IX

U.S. Congresswoman Debbie Dingell (MI-12) released the following statement after Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos’ announced that she will rescind Title IX guidance on investigating sexual assault on college campuses.

"I am deeply disturbed by the implications of Secretary DeVos' words today on sexual assault and domestic violence. For too long survivors of assault suffered in silence, afraid to come forward for fear of retribution, or quite frankly, lack of action. I am someone who grew up in a household that was violent – where our calls for help were ignored because my father was a prominent member of the community. We cannot go back to a time when domestic violence and sexual assault were simply swept under the rug. 

“The implications of the Secretary's statements are chilling for survivors; we need them to know that we have their backs. I know what happened in families like mine when there was no one to help. And on college campuses, and sadly high schools as well, the reality is too many survivors suffered the consequences and were forced out of school while their attackers harmed others with impunity. We must stand strong to ensure we protect survivors of sexual violence and abuse and stand against any effort to weaken the progress made.”

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