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Dingell Votes Against Legislation to Dismantle Health Care for Women & Working Families

Congresswoman Debbie Dingell (MI-12) today voted against legislation that would dismantle the Affordable Care Act, taking away affordable health coverage from 22 million Americans and stripping live-saving cancer screenings from women across the country.

“It is disappointing that we are starting 2016 with the 62nd vote to repeal or undermine the Affordable Care Act. I know my friends on the other side of the aisle don’t want to go back to the days when people were denied care because they had a pre-existing condition. They don’t want to charge women more for health care simply because they are women or prohibit young adults from staying on their parents plan until age 26. I know my friends don’t want to reinstate annual and lifetime caps on insurance policies. Yet that is exactly what would happen if this bill were to be signed into law.  

“Today, the ACA is working to provide 22 million Americans with access to health insurance. I am the first to admit that the law is not perfect – the last perfect law that was written was the 10 commandments. We should be having a real discussion about how the law should be improved rather than the false discussion we are having today.”   

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