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Michigan Daily: Female elected officials talk experiences in office

The Michigan Daily

Several prominent state female political leaders visited the Ford School of Public Policy on Thursday to discuss women’s experiences running for elected office.

U.S. Congresswoman Debbie Dingell (D–Mich.) introduced the panel, which consisted of Gretchen Whitmer, former Michigan Senate minority leader; Regent Kathy White (D), chair of the University’s Board of Regents; state Rep. Gretchen Driskell (D–Saline); and state Rep. Stephanie Chang (D–Detroit). Chang participated via conference call and the rest attended in person.

Before the start of the panel, Public Policy Dean Susan Collins noted that each of the panelists have a connection the Public Policy School, either as students, guest lecturers or representatives of the University.

In her introduction, Dingell encouraged women to run for office because of the different viewpoints she said they bring to the table.

“Women bring a different perspective to the public policy arena,” Dingell said. “Women are people who have to balance more balls than men. The younger generation is doing more of this than some of my generation.”

Referencing a book focused on the ethics of kindness that she said influenced her in college, Dingell said she felt “care” was what women brought to public policy, and that women are better at bringing people with differing viewpoints together.

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