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Roll Call: Next Generation Dingell Jingle Unveiled

Roll Call

Freshman Rep. Debbie Dingell, D-Mich., continues to carry on the tradition of writing the “Dingell Jingle,” which she released Friday.

Her husband, former Dean of the House John D. Dingell, wrote a holiday jingle every year and the congresswoman, who succeeded him after he retired last year, is keeping up the tradition complete with clever links and jabs. She mentions presidential hopeful Sen. Marco Rubio and his desire to stall the omnibus, Speaker Paul D. Ryan’s beard, former Speaker John A. Boehner’s reputation for crying and the Citrus Bowl on New Year’s Day when the University of Michigan, her home-state school, will take on the University of Florida in football.

She reflects on the year, including struggles for bipartisanship, Pope Francis’ visit to Washington and the speaker elections, and she looks ahead to the 2016 presidential election.

The jingle notes several Dingell-pop culture intersections, particularly the retired lawmaker’s tweet in July 2014 that: “Staff has now informed me of what a Kardashian is. I’m only left with more questions” and when the congresswoman wrote on Facebook in March that she was tired of Madonna’s “cheap shots at Michigan.”

The 2015 edition is below, enjoy!

‘Twas the day the House finally finished its business
We passed a budget! In time for Christmas!
Unfortunately Congress waited until the last minute
But thankfully Rubio didn’t get his way in the Senate

Now as we head home for holiday cheer and reflection
It’s time to continue an important Dingell tradition
Year after year, amid clanking and clatter
John Dingell wrote a jingle about the issues that matter
He wrote about the year’s highlights and what’s in fashion
Sometimes he even wrote about the Kardashians

Now with the holiday season near
Here is a poem that’s a reflection of a first year
It’s true that being a freshman’s not always a dream
Especially when you follow someone like the Dean
But we share an approach not seen in a while
We believe in working across the Congressional aisle

The year’s been filled with challenges and treats
We welcomed the Pope, who many wanted to meet
We fought for American workers, to make families’ lives better
Along the way, we may have ruffled the President’s feathers
What Madonna said about Michigan wasn’t so nice
Here’s hoping that next time she might think twice

Our Speaker retired, and we thanked him for trying
He worked hard and did well in between all the crying
So began the search to fill the job no one wanted
Enter Paul Ryan with a new beard he flaunted
From highways to schools, the last month’s been busy
Passing bills and making progress has left some quite dizzy

As 2016 approaches, we have an important decision
There’s fear that many will stand behind Trump’s vision
In Michigan there’s another pressing concern
Will the Wolverines have the victory they’ve earned
To be sure, winning the Citrus Bowl is a must
Happy holidays to you and your family, and in Harbaugh we trust.

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