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Roll Call: Take 5: Debbie Dingell

Roll Call - Take 5: Debbie Dingell

It’s time again for Take Five, when HOH talks with a member of Congress about topics relatively unrelated to legislative work.   

This week, Democratic Rep. Debbie Dingell of Michigan talks to Take 5 about poker nights in D.C. with her girlfriends, reading a book a day and her longtime love of the Beatles. 

Q : What is your favorite thing to do in D.C. when you find free time away from work? 

A : Spend time with girlfriends . We have a regular poker night I try not to miss. Shopping bargains are also a favorite. 

Q : What do you miss most about Michigan culture or food while you’re in DC? 

A : The Coney Island restaurants. Give me good Michigan junk food any day. Much of the food here is too frou-frou and highbrow. I love a good Coney Island dog any day of the week. 

[Editor's note: Coney Islands are a type of Greek American restaurant found primarily in Michigan.] 

Q : What is the last book you read? 

A : Reading is my therapy. I can read a book a day and I went through three last weekend – David Baldacci’s “The Last Mile,” James Patterson’s “15th Affair” and “Robert Parker's Slow Burn” [by Ace Atkins.] 

Q :  What is your all-time favorite song or band? 

A : The Beatles. The first concert I ever attended was on the Beatles’ first tour of the United States. I can still sing the words to all the early Beatles songs and it’s still my favorite music. After that, give me any Motown singer. There’s nothing better to dance to than Motown. 

Q : Do you watch TV? What is your favorite show on right now? 

A : I fall asleep to television at night and listen to everything, though [CBS’s] ‘Madam Secretary’ is one of my favorites. 

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