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Southgate News Herald: Dingell talks Flint water, auto industry and more during Legislative Forum

Southgate News Herald

During her speech Monday, to a crowd of area dignitaries, business leaders and high school students, U.S. Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-12th District) was forced to apologize several times.

Not however because she misspoke, but in a jocular manner, apologizing for not speaking like many other politicians, and not being “politically correct” in her terminology.

She was addressing the monthly Southern Wayne County Regional Chamber’s Legislative Forum, which brings in various political dignitaries monthly throughout the year.

Dingell spoke about her husband, retired U.S. Rep. John Dingell, telling everyone his health is much better now than it was last year.

“Kicking off the new year with this chamber luncheon is a tradition that began with John Dingell,” she said.

She said that while she is a progressive thinker, traditions aren’t always a bad thing. She said she takes the approach of “if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it,” when it comes to tradition.

She spoke about the need for accountability in local government, specifically referencing the Flint water crisis, and the need for Michigan to stay in the lead when it comes to automotive innovations.

“We can’t be on autopilot when it comes to government,” she said.

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