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The Arab American News: Congressional resolution condemns Beirut attacks

The Arab American News

Congress stood for a moment of silence Wednesday to commemorate the victims of last week's double suicide bombing in Beirut and other ISIS victims across the world. 

U.S. Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-Dearborn) and Republican California Rep. Derrell Issa, who is of Lebanese descent, are also sponsoring a House resolution to condemn the terrorist attack. The resolution was introduced by Republican N.Y. Rep. Richard Hanna.

"I thank you for the opportunity to remember the innocent lives lost at the hands of ISIS terrorists and urge the administration to do everything in its power to bring those responsible to justice, and I ask for a moment of silence," Issa told lawmakers at the Capitol. 

Dingell condemned terrorism in Paris, Beirut across the world, paying tribute to Dearborn residents who died in the Beirut bombing.

"For me these were attacks on my town, my community," the congresswoman said in a statement.

At least 42 people died in the bombing in Borj el-Barajne, a Beirut suburb, on Nov. 12. A day later, bombing and shooting attacks killed more than 120 in Paris. ISIS claimed both assaults. 
Dingell warned against hatred and urged unity to combat terror.

"I also want to remind people that terrorists try to destroy all that we know, create fear and division," she said. "We cannot allow them to create hate and fear within communities."

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