Press Releases
Dingell Rejects Proposal to Limit Coverage, Access to Medicaid
January 30, 2020
Health Care
WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Congresswoman Debbie Dingell (D-MI) issued the following statement after the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services reveled plans to slash the funding states receive to administer the Medicaid program, thereby cutting benefits and further limiting access to the program: “Turning Medicaid into a block grant does nothing to reduce healthcare costs, expand benefits, or protect public health. It actually undercuts the purpose of Medicaid itself – to provide care to the most vulnerable in our society. The Administration’s actions are illegal and will lead to a dramatic cut in support for those who depend on Medicaid – including seniors, children and their families, and persons with disabilities. An inflexible block grant program for Medicaid would not be able to adapt to fluxes in the economy and requires states to pick up the slack at times when they are already strapped for funding. “This is the wrong direction. There is bipartisan support in Congress to expand and strengthen Medicaid including making it easier to receive long-term care. We will fight the Administration’s attempt to weaken Medicaid and protect the healthcare and support of those who depend on it.” ### |