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Dingell, Area Restaurant Leaders Discuss Pandemic’s Effect on Independent Restaurants

ANN ARBOR, MI – Congresswoman Debbie Dingell (D-MI) joined Michigan independent restaurant owners to discuss the pandemic’s effect on the industry and legislation she supports in Congress to provide relief. Joining Dingell were Ari Weinzweig, co-founding partner of Zingerman’s community of businesses; Melvin Parson, Executive Director of We the People Growers Association in Ypsilanti; and Ping Ho, owner of Marrow in Detroit; as well as Congressman Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), the leader of legislation in Congress to provide much-needed assistance to the independent restaurant industry.

An archived video of the event is available here.

The restaurant industry has been uniquely devastated by the COVID-19 pandemic. This is particularly true of independent restaurants, which account for more than three-quarters of all restaurants and bars in the United States. The restaurant sector is the top contributor to unemployment rolls across America. In April alone, 5.5 million restaurant workers lost their jobs, accounting for 27 percent of total job losses in the month.

“Restaurants in our communities are the gathering places, we celebrate important occasions, let down at the end of a week, bring families together, relax with friends. They simply become the heart and soul of our communities where we make lasting memories. The industry has weathered a lot, but nothing like the very real challenges put on them by the pandemic,” said Dingell. “Institutions like Zingermans’s restaurant that provide jobs, feed us, donate to so many, and help feed the hungry are really going through hard times and none of us can ever imagine there not being there. But that is the reality we are talking about, It’s critical that Congress works together to provide much-needed assistance to the industry. I’m proud to join Rep. Blumenauer’s bipartisan legislation to establish a restaurant revitalization fund to support the independent restaurants that are the heart and soul of our communities.”


Ari Weinzweig, co-founding partner of Zingerman’s community of businesses said, “The pandemic has had a particularly devastating impact on restaurants across the country. Many have been unable to open dining rooms. Where dining rooms are open, seating is very limited to maintain safety. Clearly the pandemic is not going to go away quickly and it seems clear that many—perhaps—most independent restaurants will not survive. More and more restaurants in communities around the country are closing every day. Some are nationally recognized institutions. Others are small neighborhood spots. These are places that are beloved by the folks in their communities. When these places close, the impact on the communities is going to be huge. Loss of jobs, loss of caring employment experiences and training, loss of donations to non-profits in the community, loss of meeting places and sources of connection and care for so many. And with that will come losses to farms, cheesemakers, fruit growers, winemakers, fishermen, etc. Every study of community development shows the essential role that restaurants—small and large—play in maintaining the health of their communities. The RESTAURANTS Act is a chance to keep that from happening all over the country. In past crises, the Federal government has stepped in to save large industries—autos, airlines, banks, etc. This time it's small independently owned, community based restaurants that are most at risk. The good news is that if the bill is passed, the positive impact will quickly be felt for the better in communities all over the country. Because restaurants run on such thin margins 95% or more of every dollar granted through the bill would go right back out into the community. Jobs can be saved. Communities can stay anchored through difficult days to come. Thanks to all of the community minded folks in the House and Senate for getting behind this bill!" 

Weinzweig continued, “I don't even like to think about it … but imagine Ann Arbor without Zingerman's. And then multiply that by thousands of other restaurants around the country that have play similarly meaningful roles in their communities. those are big holes—spiritually, financially, and emotionally—to fill.”

“I am not a restaurant owner however, I am a small farmer that is unable to sell into grocery chain stores therefore, the success of restaurants are essential to small farmers survival...they are a big part of our ecosystem. I hope that this very important bill passes through Congress,” said Melvin Parson, Executive Director of We the People Growers Association in Ypsilanti.

“I can't imagine a future without restaurants and bars, particularly small, local and independent outfits born of passion and hard work. The RESTAURANTS Act will be a lifeline to ensure that our small businesses survive and are able to continue supporting local economies through employment and sourcing. Along with my fellow business owners and members of the Independent Restaurant Coalition, I strongly urge Congress to pass this important bill,” said Ping Ho, owner of Marrow in Detroit.

In Congress, Blumenauer has introduced the RESTAURANTS Act — which is cosponsored by Dingell — that would provide much-needed assistance to the industry by establishing a $120 billion restaurant revitalization fund at the Department of Treasury. Funding under the program would be available to food service or drinking establishments that are not publicly traded or part of a chain with 20 or more locations doing business under the same name.

“Congresswoman Dingell was one of the very first to cosponsor our RESTAURANTS Act because she knew that it was hard to imagine our communities without independent restaurants, and that many of these beloved corner coffee shops, diners and cafes may not be able to reopen their doors without federal assistance,” said Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR). “I’m grateful for her leadership on our bill, which will ensure that these local restaurants – and their workers – get the support they need to get through this unprecedented health crisis.”

An archived video of the event is available here.



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