Press Releases
Dingell Leads ESA Caucus in Introducing Resolution Recognizing Endangered Species Day
May 21, 2021
WASHINGTON, DC - Today, Congresswoman Debbie Dingell led introduction of a resolution recognizing Friday, May 21 as Endangered Species Day with Endangered Species Act (ESA) Caucus Co-Chairs Congressman Raul M. Grijalva (D-AZ) and Congressman Don Beyer (D-VA). The resolution recognizes the strong role that the ESA has played in safeguarding America’s environmental heritage and the need to prioritize conservation efforts to address the biodiversity crisis impacting plants and wildlife worldwide. “The Endangered Species Act has been critical to preventing extinction of at-risk wildlife and plants. It is important that we recognize the value of this landmark law and highlight the need for continued action to protect and preserve our nation’s environment,” said the Co-Chairs. “On Endangered Species Day, we must recommit our efforts to safeguarding America’s biodiversity, which is facing unprecedented pressures as a result of climate change and other threats.” As part of the ESA Caucus, Dingell has played a leading role in protecting the ESA, including joining her fellow Co-Chairs to push back against changes to weaken this landmark law last Congress and helping lead the fight for increased ESA funding each year. The full text of the resolution is available here.