Press Releases
Dingell Continues Work Across 12th District As Southeastern Michigan Recovers from Historic Flooding
July 1, 2021
DEARBORN, MI – A week after historic flooding caused immense damage to homes and businesses throughout Southeastern Michigan, Congresswoman Debbie Dingell (MI-12) has continued to fight for federal and local relief for the residents of the 12th District. After leading letters to both FEMA and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers calling for support and investigations into the recurring floods, Dingell spoke directly with President Joe Biden about the floods while at the White House this week. “Families and businesses from Dearborn to Ypsilanti are hurting right now. People are tired, frustrated, and angry, and, quite frankly, they have every right to be,” said Congresswoman Dingell. “This week I spoke directly with President Joe Biden in person at the White House and he was fully aware of the situation facing our communities and shared my concern. In no uncertain terms, the President made clear that this Administration stood ready to provide any help necessary to our neighbors in Michigan who are trying to rebuild their homes and salvage family artifacts destroyed by flood waters. “Every single day this week, we have continued our conversations with the White House, FEMA, the Army Corps of Engineers, and Congressional leadership to get our communities the help they need, both in the near-term and long-term,” she continued. “It can often feel like an uphill battle to focus our federal government’s attention on the needs of the Midwest, but today, we have a President who cares deeply about our region and leaders in Congress like Marcy Kaptur and Betty McCollum who work every single day focused on the issues facing us as Chairs of critical appropriations subcommittees. We have a lot of work ahead of us as we rebuild from these floods and prevent them from causing destruction like we’ve seen this week ever again.” ### |