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Dingell Urges Senate Colleagues to Address Nation’s Lead Drinking Water Crisis

Calls on Senate to Include $30 Billion for Lead Service Line Replacement

WASHINGTON, DC - Today, Congresswoman Debbie Dingell (MI-12) released a statement applauding nationwide lead service line replacement investments included in the Energy & Commerce Committee reconciliation recommendations and urging her Senate colleagues to do the same. As the drinking water crisis in Michigan – and across the country – worsens, Dingell stated:

“In the midst of this ongoing global pandemic and economic and social turmoil – we cannot forget that this country is facing a clean drinking water crisis. My home state is suffering – from Flint to Dearborn to Benton Harbor – and still there are millions of people across the country that don’t even know if they are drinking lead. Parents of Benton Harbor have spoken to me with tears in their eyes, saying ‘you have to do something.’ And they’re right.

“No amount of lead in drinking water is safe. This is an opportunity to make a difference in children’s lives and to replace lead pipes in service lines across the country – including schools. In the Energy and Commerce Committee, I’ve led this fight for clean water in our communities for years, and I urge my Senate colleagues to think about the damage that contaminated water is having on their own constituents and to support the $30 billion investment we were able to include in reconciliation to further protect public health and create more jobs.”

Dingell has long led the fight on ensuring safe and clean drinking water for every single American and prioritized the full replacement of lead service lines nationwide. In the recent House Energy & Commerce Committee markup, Dingell described what’s happening in Michigan and how strong investments – including the $30 billion secured in the reconciliation package – to replace all lead service lines would benefit all Americans. Recently, she co-led a letter to Leadership calling for the inclusion of robust investments to remove all of America’s estimated 10 million lead drinking water service lines and components currently in use as part of any major infrastructure legislation moving through the chamber.
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