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Dingell Unveils 2021 Annual Dingell Jingle

DEARBORN, MI - Today, Congresswoman Debbie Dingell (MI-12) rang in the holidays with the annual Dingell Jingle tradition, set to the tune of “Bells Will Be Ringing.”

We are heading back home, to be with friends

To celebrate the holidays once again

It’s our Holiday Jingle, not just another email

In celebration of infrastructure that prevails


We’re rebuilding the country, a reason to cheer

Watch those potholes disappear

Improved roads and bridges lie ahead

And guess what? Our water will be free of lead.


Streets we’ll be paving, they’ll be good as new

Bridges repaired, connecting us to you

And climate change, long overdue

And jobs they are coming and they’re good paying too.


Yes, we’re fixing the damn roads – it’s a sure bet

Promises made and promises kept

Homeward bound we just can’t wait

At last, a year to celebrate.


Happy Holidays!

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