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Dearborn Press and Guide: Arab American National Museum to benefit from federal grant for the arts

Dearborn Press and Guide

The National Endowment for the Arts recently announced an $18,000 grant to help fund a concert series that will perform in Ann Arbor and Dearborn.

The Kerrytown Concert House in Ann Arbor applied for the grant to help support its World At the Edge concert series.

The series will feature artists who will perform jazz-based works of art based on their multicultural ethnic heritage.

Repeat performances are planned to take place at partner organizations’ venues, including the Arab American National Museum in Dearborn.

“An investment in the arts is an investment in the cultural and economic vitality of our communities,” said U.S. Representative Debbie Dingell (D-Dearborn). “I am so pleased that the 12th District is receiving this funding to celebrate our diverse ethnic heritage, support our growing arts community, and help extend the reach of the arts to every corner of our region.”

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