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Detroit Free Press: 'We don't have Democratic or Republican potholes'

Detroit Free Press

As pothole season descends on Michigan, politicians sought Tuesday to build support for additional investments in infrastructure at the state and federal level.

U.S. Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx made a stop in Detroit to campaign for President Barack Obama's proposed long-term transportation bill that would tax corporations' overseas profits and gasoline to raise $478 billion over six years for road and transit improvements.

At a roundtable discussion at a new lightweight materials research center in Detroit, Foxx pitched his bill alongside Gov. Rick Snyder, who used the platform to campaign for a May 5 statewide proposal to raise more than $1 billion for road improvements in the state.

Although the politicians did not comment on each other's respective bills, their rhetoric was similar: The U.S. and Michigan have dramatically underinvested in roads.

Foxx, who recently had knee surgery, and Snyder, who is recovering from an Achilles' heel injury, compared their hobbled status to the roads.

"We know about deferred maintenance," Foxx said.

Snyder held up a gnarly-looking piece of pavement. "I have part of a bridge with me today," he said. "It shows the importance of investment at both the state and the federal level."

In an appearance earlier at the Detroit Economic Club, Foxx said the president's transportation bill would increase funding for highway improvements by 29% and would increase investments in mass transit by 76%.

It appears unlikely that the Republican-controlled U.S. House of Representatives will embrace spending increases, and Foxx seemed to recognize the steep hill he faces. But "I'm not going to punt on first down," he said.

Two Democratic members of Congress, Rep. Debbie Dingell and Rep. Brenda Lawrence, called for increased investments.

"We don't have Democratic or Republican potholes. The American people want us to work together to find solutions," Dingell said.

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