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Dingell & Murphy Join Experts & Advocates to Mark National Cancer Prevention Day

Congresswoman Debbie Dingell (MI-12) and Congressman Tim Murphy (PA-18), co-chairs of the bipartisan Congressional Cancer Prevention Caucus, today joined scientists, doctors, advocates and industry experts to mark the 5th annual National Cancer Prevention Day. The event, hosted by Less Cancer, focused on the latest developments in the field of cancer prevention. 

“Every family knows the heartbreak of cancer,” said Dingell. “Today is an opportunity to re-double our efforts to prevent cancer from developing in the first place so we can give real hope to the 1.6 million Americans who will be diagnosed with cancer this year and the millions more who are already fighting this devastating disease. We need to keep moving towards a world where cancer is considered a preventable disease.”

“Cancer has touched nearly every American family including my own,” said Murphy. “On National Cancer Prevention Day, we are here not only to celebrate stories of courage and survival, but work together on the Congressional Cancer Prevention Caucus to do all we can to stop cancer before it starts with increased education, awareness, and strong policies that will bring hope to the millions of Americans impacted by this disease.”

Dingell and Murphy formed the Congressional Cancer Prevention Caucus in 2015 in collaboration with Bill Couzens, founder of National Cancer Prevention Day and Less Cancer. The caucus is a bipartisan forum to engage Members of Congress, their staff, the medical community, advocacy groups, academia and the public on lifestyle and environmental factors that can reduce cancer risk. It will seek to increase education and awareness and advance policy solutions that improve public health and help prevent cancer before it starts.   

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