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Infrastructure & Transportation

Many of our nation’s roads and highways, bridges, railroads, water systems, and the electrical grid were built decades ago. And many are at or have exceeded their lifespans. We know this all too well in Michigan—from the potholes to the Flint water crisis. The health, safety, and prosperity of every American can be directly tied to the state of our nation’s transportation and infrastructure.

Each day we are falling further behind the rest of the world. The time is now for us all to come together—Republicans and Democrats—to make a massive investment across our and transportation sector. Not only will this investment pave the way for our collective future, but it will strengthen our economy and provide good paying, respected job opportunities all across this country. Failure to address our crumbling infrastructure is not an option. Our future generations are counting on all of us.

I joined House Democrats in releasing the Moving Forward Infrastructure framework to outline major upgrades and investments to rebuild our nation’s infrastructure, create good paying jobs, and address the climate crisis. The Moving Forward Infrastructure framework is estimated to create 10 million jobs by investing $760 billion over five years for infrastructure updates and rebuilding. The proposal includes strong “Buy American” protections to support US manufacturing and workers. The framework has a strong focus on reducing carbon pollution, strengthening energy efficiency, advancing renewable energy systems, and addressing the PFAS contamination crisis. Included in the Moving Forward proposal are a number of provisions I championed including supports for the development of an electric vehicle charging network and funding to local communities dealing with PFAS contamination.
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