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Detroit Free Press: Rep. Dingell aims to close gun loopholes for stalkers

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U.S. Rep. Debbie Dingell, D-Dearborn, introduced legislation today with a Republican colleague that she said would close loopholes that allow abusers and stalkers access to guns in Michigan and many other states.  The Zero Tolerance for Domestic Abusers Act, also being sponsored by U.S. Rep. Dan Donovan, R-N.Y., would bar convicted stalkers from owning firearms and require that…

Detroit News: Dingell reintroduces domestic violence bill in Congress

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Democratic Rep. Debbie Dingell of Dearborn said Wednesday she is working on creating a caucus in Congress for members concerned about domestic violence. The second-term lawmaker said she is also planning to hold conferences in Washington and Michigan during Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October. Dingell revealed her plans as she reintroduced her bill that would include dating…

Detroit Free Press: U.S. Rep. Dingell: My colleagues need to understand fear across nation over health care

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We return to Washington this week to an uncertain future for the Affordable Care Act. After 10 days of being home, I am more unsettled, worried and focused than ever on the responsibility we as elected officials have to our constituents. It was a good week with many community events where people gathered for events such as fireworks, picnics, veteran meetings, student seminars, union…

MLive: Dingell raises concerns about dioxane plume in letter to EPA administrator

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U.S. Rep. Debbie Dingell is reaching out to the Environmental Protection Agency, raising concerns about the Gelman dioxane plume spreading through the Ann Arbor area's groundwater. Dingell, D-Dearborn, sent a letter to EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy on Tuesday, Oct. 25, questioning current efforts to address the toxic chemical plume that has been spreading from the former Gelman…

Arab American News: Remembering the words of our friends

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Religious and racial intolerance are reaching alarming levels. Populist politicians have taken advantage of the spread of violence across the world to scapegoat Arab and Muslim Americans.  The bigotry is manifesting itself institutionally, through unfair government programs and policy proposals, but also in society as evidenced by the exponential increase of hate crime against…

Arab American News: Local Yemenis express grief and anger after funeral massacre in homeland

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Yemeni Americans are divided over the events unfolding in their homeland, but after a Saudi-led air strike claimed as many as 140 people at a funeral in Sanaa, they came together in condemning the attack. Yemen is facing a humanitarian and political crisis because of the ongoing war that intensified after an Arab coalition, led by the Saudis, started bombing the country to quell the…

Detroit News: House Democrats object to anti-wildlife provisions

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Four Michigan House members this week signed onto a letter with 88 other Democrats urging President Barack Obama to veto any Republican attempts to strip Endangered Species Act protections from authorizing or spending bills this fall. Their concerns centered on “anti-wildlife” provisions within the House energy package and defense bill, as well as the Interior appropriation…

Detroit News: Sex assault prevention summit takes on college culture

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Ann Arbor — She was walking home from her part-time job she had in college when a man appeared, pointed a gun at her and told her she’d better do what he told her. Natasha Alexenko, then a 20-year-old student in New York, thought she was getting robbed, or that the man was running from police. Instead, he guided her back to her apartment building, where he raped and sodomized…

MLive: Trio of U.S. Reps seek clarification on due process for No-Fly List

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Three U.S. House of Representatives members, including Michigan's Debbie Dingell, served as the proponents of a letter sent to Homeland Security urging enhanced due process protections for the No-Fly List. Dingell (D-Dearborn) was joined by Reps. Zoe Lofgren, of California's 19th congressional district, and Ted Poe, of Texas' 2nd congressional district, in seeking…

Detroit News: Dingell seeks transparency in trade deal negotiations

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U.S. Rep. Debbie Dingell wants to make secretive trade negotiations less secret. Legislation introduced this week by the Dearborn Democrat aims to bring sunshine to the process of negotiating trade deals, in part by requiring the publication of the text online after each round of negotiations, so that interested parties and stakeholders may review it. “This legislation would…

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