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Detroit Free Press: Rosie the Riveters return to World War II Michigan bomber plant

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Her hands covered in oil, 18-year-old Phyllis Roullier assembled motor parts from morning to night at the Willow Run Bomber Plant to help win World War II. On Monday, the now 97-year-old "Rosie the Riveter" of Belleville returned to the B-24 bomber plant's enormous remaining building. "I used to like walking down to the end and see the planes taking off, because it…

Southgate News-Herald: International Wildlife Refuge grows with land donation

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Founded in 2001, the Detroit River International Refuge remains the only land conservation project of its kind in North America. Thanks to a donation from the Port of Monroe, the refuge will grow by an additional 35 acres. The refuge is managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The land being added to the existing 5,834 acres in the U.S. is part of the Port of Monroe Marsh Tract. It…

Detroit News: Washtenaw Co. town hall on policing is a 'good start'

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Clayton and U.S. Rep. Debbie Dingell headed a community unity meeting and town hall discussion Thursday at the EMU Student Center to address the recent spate of violence involving police officers and African-Americans in the United States. The deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, both black, after encounters with police in Louisiana and Minnesota have prompted demonstrations…

Morning Consult: GOP complains of double standard on renewables

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House Republicans accused the Obama administration on Thursday of employing a double standard in favor of renewable energy when leasing out federal lands, pointing in particular to a controversial solar project in California. The Ivanpah Solar Power Facility in the Mojave Desert became the focal point of a House Natural Resources subcommittee hearing. Republicans complained that the…

Field and Stream: New bill would provide $1.3 billion to wildlife conservation, public-land access

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Last Thursday, a bipartisan bill to provide $1.3 billion toward wildlife conservation was introduced to Congress. The bill, H.R. 5650, was introduced to the House of Representatives as the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act by Rep. Debbie Dingell, a Democrat from Michigan, and Rep. Don Young, a Republican from Alaska. If passed, royalties from energy and mineral developments on…

Alaska Native News: Young, Dingell introduce bipartisan bill to enhance funding for fish and wildlife

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U.S. Representatives Don Young (AK) and Debbie Dingell (MI) Thursday introduced the bipartisan Recovering America’s Wildlife Act of 2016 to help promote and enhance our nation’s conservation efforts and ensure the long-term health of fish and wildlife throughout the country. The legislation, based on a recommendation from a panel of conservation and business…

Roll Call: John Dingell's 90th is the Party of the Year

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Everyone knows John Dingell brings the fun. And bipartisanship and ice cream.  The Michigan State Society, in cahoots with Dingell's wife, Michigan Rep. Debbie Dingell, threw the Dean a 90th birthday party on Wednesday in the room named after him in the Rayburn Office Building.  The former congressman, who turns 90 on Friday, told the crowd of members from both sides of…

MLive: Michigan's Congressional Democrats renew calls for gun control in panel discussion

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BERKLEY, MI — Last week, the Democrats of Michigan's Congressional delegation were sitting on the floor in the U.S. House chamber, calling for a vote on gun control measures. On Wednesday afternoon, they were sitting in a crowded room in the Berkley Public Safety Department, surrounded by community members and activists — the location had changed, but the issue at hand…

Rolling Stone: 10 powerful moments from the Congressional gun sit-in

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9. An emotional Debbie Dingell: "I know what it's like to have a gun pointed at you." As the demonstration stretched into the night, Rep. Debbie Dingell of Michigan took the podium to deliver a fiery and deeply personal speech about living with an unstable gun owner. (Dingell, who has pushed measures that would restrict abusers' access to guns, has spoken in the…

New York Magazine: Congresswoman makes personal plea for gun control: 'I know what it's like to have a gun pointed at you'

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On Wednesday morning, Democratic lawmakers launched a sit-in to force a vote on gun-control measures. Throughout the sit-in, lawmakers have come up to the podium one by one to share stories of how gun violence has affected their friends, family, and the collective psyche of the country. One of the most powerful speeches of the night came from Michigan representative Debbie Dingell,…

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