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USA Today: It took an amateur historian and an act of Congress to get Medal of Honor

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Tags: Veterans

It was a daring rescue mission that helped save the lives eight soldiers by flying a damaged, overloaded helicopter through intense enemy fire — a heroic act that, in retrospect, everyone seems to agree is deserving of the Medal of Honor. But for 49 years, it was recognized only by the military's second-highest honor, the Distinguished Service Cross — one of more than…

MLive: Kalamazoo shooting victim's father challenges U.S. to reduce gun violence

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Washtenaw County Sheriff Jerry Clayton, county police chiefs and law enforcement officials, U.S. Rep. Debbie Dingell, Washtenaw County commissioners and Department of Public Health Executive Director Ellen Rabinowitz appeared together for Washtenaw County Gun Safety Week, where community leaders called for residents to take measures to keep guns safe. The officials hosted a press…

Newsmax: The 25 Hardest Working Members of Congress

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Congress may have low approval ratings, with the latest Gallup poll showing just 18 percent of the public thinks the House and Senate are doing a good job. Despite the public anger toward Congress, many members work their hearts out for their constituents and the public. Newsmax’s editorial team interviewed dozens of people who know the House of Representatives really well.…

WDET: Bipartisanship in Congress: It's a thing, says Reps. Debbie Dingell and Mike Bishop

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It’s become common to hear or read about the political divisions in Congress. But what we don’t often see is that members of Congress, even on opposite sides of the aisle, often have good working relationships with each other. That includes members of Michigan’s delegation.  Representatives Mike Bishop (R-Rochester)…

On The Record: Congresswoman Debbie Dingell: A true friend of the college

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Tags: Education

The Washtenaw Community College Honorary Associate Degree in Community Service is designed to recognize individuals who support WCC and its students in an extraordinary fashion. It also recognizes a life of service that has benefited the entire community. For those reasons, and many others, the college’s Board of Trustees honored Congresswoman Deborah “Debbie” Dingell…

MLive: Dingell says research grants for younger students, visa reform critical for innovation

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ANN ARBOR, MI — The University of Michigan and Ann Arbor businesses are at the forefront of innovation, says U.S. Rep. Debbie Dingell, but lawmakers must make comprehensive reforms and invest more in research if they want them to succeed. That's what Dingell, D-Dearborn, said after an Innovation Agenda 2.0 roundtable discussion with other lawmakers and local business leaders at…

Detroit Free Press: Congresswomen want Great Lakes water diversion blocked

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Two Michigan congresswomen wrote Gov. Rick Snyder on Thursday asking him to vote to deny a Wisconsin city’s request to divert 8 million gallons of drinking water a day. Snyder and other Great Lakes governors — or their representatives — are expected to meet in Chicago in late June to consider whether to grant the diversion request by Waukesha, Wis., under the Great…

Roll Call: Take 5: Debbie Dingell

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It’s time again for Take Five, when HOH talks with a member of Congress about topics relatively unrelated to legislative work.    This week, Democratic Rep. Debbie Dingell of Michigan talks to Take 5 about poker nights in D.C. with her girlfriends, reading a book a day and her longtime love of the Beatles.  Q : What is your favorite thing to do in D.C. when…

Washington Post: Plan to store nuclear waste near Great Lakes proves radioactive

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;If there was an off-key moment during the otherwise flawlessly executed trip to the U.S. Capitol this spring by the new Canadian prime minister, Justin Trudeau, it might have come when he was cornered by Rep. Debbie Dingell. “We never want to see nuclear waste in the Great Lakes,” the freshman Democrat from Michigan sternly told Trudeau during a visit to the office of…

Detroit News: 30,000 Michigan Teamsters avoid pension cuts

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More than 30,000 Michigan current and retired workers avoided pension cuts — for now — when the Treasury Department rejected a Teamsters Central State Pension Plan proposal that would have started in July. Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew said in a letter to members of Congress released Friday that while the decision blocks the pending pension cuts for 273,000 current and retired…

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