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Dingell Leads Letter to DeVos Urging Continued Enforcement of Title IX Guidance on Campus Sexual Assault

U.S. Congresswoman Debbie Dingell (MI-12) today led a letter to U.S. Department of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos urging her to maintain Title IX guidance in K-12 schools and on college campuses that protects survivors of sexual assault. The letter comes after DeVos announced plans earlier this month to revoke or rescind the Education Department’s Title IX guidance on preventing and investigating incidents of sexual violence and harassment.

“We hear constant stories from survivors of sexual assault in both K-12 schools and universities,” the Representatives wrote. “They detail how they have been raped or experienced inappropriate sexual behavior and are suffering deeply as a result. Even when a school does the right thing and reports the assault, survivors are ostracized in classrooms and on campus for coming forward, isolated and alone. To them, Title IX is everything and weakening or eroding this landmark law would take away hope for survivors when they already have few places to turn. We must continue to go forward – not take unnecessary steps backward.”

In addition to Dingell, the letter was signed by Reps. Donald S. Beyer, Jr. (VA-08), Salud O. Carbajal (CA-24), Mark DeSaulnier (CA-11), Keith Ellison (MN-05), Lois Frankel (FL-21), Hank Johnson (GA-04), Anne McLane Kuster (NH-02), Jacky Rosen (NV-03), Jan Schakowsky (IL-09), Mike Thompson (CA-05) and Peter J. Visclosky (IN-01).

Dingell has long advocated for maintaining the critical sexual violence protections guaranteed under Title IX. In June, Dingell and Rep. Ryan Costello (PA-06) led a bipartisan letter to DeVos urging her to maintain Title IX guidance in K-12 schools. The letter, signed by 52 Members of Congress, also urged DeVos to continue training for Title IX coordinators and support other critical programs that combat sexual violence in schools. That letter can be read here.

Today’s letter to DeVos is here and below.

September 19, 2017

The Honorable Betsy DeVos


U.S. Department of Education

400 Maryland Ave. SW

Washington, DC 20301

Dear Secretary DeVos:

It was of deep concern that we learned of your plan to revoke or rescind sexual assault policies under Title IX at the U.S. Department of Education.  As you know, under Title IX schools have a responsibility to prevent and investigate incidents of sexual violence and harassment.  We must ensure this policy protects survivors across the country. 

Guidance issued by the Department on Title IX enforcement helps ensure that no school administrator will ignore allegations of rape and sexual assault.  It pushes them to do better, and not just through words, but with real consequences if their responses are not adequate. This policy must be robustly enforced to protect survivors across the country. 

We hear constant stories from survivors of sexual assault in both K-12 schools and universities.  They detail how they have been raped or experienced inappropriate sexual behavior and are suffering deeply as a result.  Even when a school does the right thing and reports the assault, survivors are ostracized in classrooms and on campus for coming forward, isolated and alone.  To them, Title IX is everything and weakening or eroding this landmark law would take away hope for survivors when they already have few places to turn.  We must continue to go forward – not take unnecessary steps backward. 

            It was also disappointing that no survivor groups were invited to your announcement at George Mason University.  Including these groups is essential in ensuring the Department hears all voices when crafting policies that are responsive to the needs of survivors. It is our hope that you will do a better job of engaging survivors moving forward.

            Going backwards is simply unacceptable and failing to provide a safe, transparent, and fair environment to survivors is not something we will entertain.  As you continue these proceedings, we urge you to not weaken enforcement of Title IX in both K-12 settings and on college campuses.  We will continue to keep a close eye on this issue to ensure the survivors of sexual assault are protected. 


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