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Detroit News: Arab American Museum opens new Annex

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Dearborn's Arab American National Museum celebrated its 10th anniversary Friday morning with a ribbon-cutting in its new 4,700-square-foot addition, the Annex. And in a sign of this small museum's growing reach, AANM Director Devon Akmon also announced the honor that "Little Syria, N.Y.," an exhibition organized by the museum, has been invited to travel to the Ellis Island Immigration…

Detroit Free Press: Dingell pushes long-term care measure

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U.S. Rep. Debbie Dingell, whose husband John spent decades pushing health care reform in Congress, was trying to make her own contribution Wednesday with a budget amendment to help improve access to long-term care. Dingell, D-Dearborn, knew going in that her proposal — to create a reserve fund which could pay for a pilot program or other congressionally mandated effort looking at…

Detroit News: Michigan reps split on budget

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Michigan’s congressional delegation split on a $3.8 trillion Republican budget Wednesday night. The House passed the budget 228-199, with no Democrats supporting it and 17 Republicans opposing it. Only Rep. Justin Amash, R-Cascade Township, broke party ranks and opposed. The budget calls for repealing the health care law and envisions transformations of the tax code and…

Press & Guide: Congresswoman shares morning with Dearborn Heights students, reading 'House Mouse, Senate Mouse'

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Tags: Education

In honor of National Reading Month, on Tuesday morning, Congresswoman Debbie Dingell (D-12th District) read “House Mouse, Senate Mouse” to Bedford Elementary School kindergarteners and first-graders. As she read, she talked with the students about government, bullying, civil rights, and veterans. Dingell may have visited to entertain the students with the story of…

MLive: Michigan Democrats push childcare tax credits as part of 'Economic Agenda for Families'

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Democratic lawmakers will be working at the state and federal level to promote policies for affordable childcare and paid sick leave. "Women play an expanded role in Michigan's workforce, in businesses large and small and in our homes," said U.S. Rep. Debbie Dingell, D-Dearborn at a press conference in Lansing on Wednesday. At the state level, Democrats have introduced legislation…

MLive: Michigan Democrats push childcare tax credits as part of 'Economic Agenda for Families'

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Democratic lawmakers will be working at the state and federal level to promote policies for affordable childcare and paid sick leave. "Women play an expanded role in Michigan's workforce, in businesses large and small and in our homes," said U.S. Rep. Debbie Dingell, D-Dearborn at a press conference in Lansing on Wednesday. At the state level, Democrats have introduced legislation…

Dingell launches Sending Smiles to Vets program

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Tags: Veterans

Freshman U.S. Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-12th District) is expanding a program she started for Valentine’s Day into a year round tradition. In February she launched “Valentines for Veterans,” where she teamed up with local elementary students, and others from the district to bring cheer to local veterans. That program was so popular that she’s now expanding the…

9 & 10 News: Plans call for year-round effort to create art for veterans

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Tags: Veterans

Efforts are taking place to start a year-round program to encourage students to create artwork for veterans. Congresswoman Debbie Dingell says the first "Sending Smiles to Vets" delivery will take place around the St. Patrick's Day holiday. The Michigan Democrat says she plans to work with the Ann Arbor Veterans Affairs hospital, the VA hospital in Detroit and other veteran…

Detroit Free Press: Asian carp control bill proposed in Congress

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Legislation proposed Thursday by most of the members of Michigan's congressional delegation would help create a new barrier to voracious Asian Carp in an Illinois waterway and call for a long-term plan for keeping the invasive species out of the Great Lakes. U.S. Sen. Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich., and U.S. Rep. Candice Miller, R-Harrison Township, sponsored it in both chambers, with most of…

The Dearborn Press and Guide: Dingell continues Fat Tuesday celebration started by her husband

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First term U.S. Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-Dearborn), believes that traditions matter. Keeping that in mind, today she continued a decades-long tradition f celebrating Paczki Day, a Polish tradition, which is the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent that was started by her husband John Dingell while he served in the same seat. The tradition is sending out packzis made in…

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