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The News-Herald: Federal, state lawmakers working on sick leave legislation

The News-Herald

State Rep. Erika Geiss (D-Taylor), teamed with U.S. Rep. Debbie Dingell to talk about recently introduced legislation about earned pay and sick leave.

Geiss and Dingell are both working to pass legislation even about how sick time is earned. Both the state and federal bill call changes to how sick pay is earned for workers.

“Workers and their families deserve the security of knowing that when someone is sick — whether it’s the employee or a family member — they won’t lose a day’s pay or even their job to stay home,” Geiss said. “It’s a matter of fairness, and I believe it will also benefit businesses, whose employees are not worried about a sick child or parent.”

Danielle Atkinson of the political action group Mothering Justice moderated a panel held at Panera Bread, 23301 Eureka Road, Monday night. Also on the panel were Geiss, Dingell and Lisa Norris, a doctor with the Western Wanye Family Medical Center.

“No one should face the impossible choice between caring for themselves or a sick family member and losing a paycheck – or their job,” Dingell said. “But that’s the reality for 43 million Americans who do not have a single paid sick day. It’s time to bring our workplace policies into the 21st century because businesses and the economy will do better when working families are successful and can get ahead.”

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