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Dingell Speaks in Opposition to Republican Budget on House Floor

 Congresswoman Debbie Dingell (MI-12), a member of the House Budget Committee, gave a floor speech in opposition to House Republican’s FY2016 budget, which was released today. Dingell’s remarks, as prepared for delivery, are below.

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“Mr. Speaker, the Republican budget released today would deny working families the opportunity to earn a fair living that used to ensure a strong middle class in this country. 

“Their budget would hurt seniors – as Republicans have proposed four times before – by ending Medicare as we know it. It would place the burden of balancing the budget on the poor, and keep arbitrary spending caps that hurt young and old alike by decimating Head Start and denying homebound seniors access to meals. It would cut Pell Grants, hurting students seeking higher education. And, it would leave our military lacking the critical resources to defend our country. 

“Our Democratic budget will honor our promises to seniors and will give someone who works hard the opportunity to earn a fair wage so they can raise their families. It will keep health care affordable and help students seeking to better themselves through education. And, it will invest in our future by repairing our crumbling roads and bridges that are vital to a growing economy.  

“Our budget stands for protecting Medicare, earning a fair wage, and rebuilding our infrastructure because a strong middle class means a strong America.”

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