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Dingell Statement on Veterans Day

U.S. Congresswoman Debbie Dingell (MI-12) released the following statement in recognition of Veterans Day, which is observed on November 11.

“Veterans Day is the day we pause to salute the men and women who have served our country and defended the ideals that make this nation great. We remember, honor and thank those who answered the call to serve in Europe and the Pacific during World War II, those who defended the 38th parallel in Korea, braved the jungles of Vietnam, fought in the deserts of Iraq and the mountains of Afghanistan, and those still standing up for democracy around the world. These courageous men and women have spent time away from their families – they’ve missed birthdays and holidays, and many have made the ultimate sacrifice, to protect our freedoms and way of life. We are forever grateful for their service and sacrifice.

“Today, as we honor our veterans, we remember the words of President John F. Kennedy, ‘As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.’ Today, let it be our pledge that we will serve our veterans as well as they served us – with timely, quality health care, good-paying jobs, prompt benefits, and a roof over their heads when they come home. Let us all take a moment, not just today, but every day, to thank the veterans in our own communities, to remember those we have lost, those still serving around the world and the military families who serve and sacrifice alongside them. They have given us so much, and it is because of them that we proudly remain the land of the free and the home of the brave.”

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