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Dingell: “Hard-working Men and Women Deserve Better than Another Tax Plan that Leaves them Behind”

Today, Congresswoman Debbie Dingell (MI-12) released the following statement after the House of Representatives passed another tax cut for the wealthy that leaves behind working men and women in Michigan and across the country and could add $3 trillion more to the US Debt:

“Hard-working men and women deserve better than another tax plan that leaves them behind, increases the debt, and compromises the future of Medicare and Social Security. Our country is facing a pensions crisis. Unfortunately, House Republicans have once again left Democrats out of the conversation and passed more tax cuts for the wealthy and big corporations. We should be working together on bipartisan tax reform that puts working families first, makes our tax code simpler and fairer, and promotes a strong economy.

“Compounded with the first tax cuts, this legislation will add trillions more to the debt and will only further starve the government of revenue it needs to pay for Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid – programs that the American people rely on for healthcare and a secure retirement. It cannot be stated enough: people paid into their Social Security and their pensions with the promise it would be there for them. It’ll be detrimental to the entire economy if we make cuts now.”


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