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President to Award LTC Charles Kettles of Ypsilanti the Medal of Honor

Today, President Obama announced that he will award Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.) Charles S. Kettles, U.S. Army, of Ypsilanti the Medal of Honor for conspicuous gallantry. The announcement is the culmination of a five-year grassroots effort in coordination with the Kettles family, the Ypsilanti Rotary Veterans History Project, and the offices of former U.S. Congressman John Dingell and U.S. Congresswoman Debbie Dingell (M-12) to ensure then-Major Kettles’ acts of valor were properly honored. Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.) Kettles will receive the Medal of Honor at a ceremony at the White House on July 18, 2016.

“LTC Charlie Kettles went above and beyond the call of duty during one of the darkest times in our nation’s history to save the lives of his fellow servicemembers,” said Rep. Debbie Dingell. “In the shadow of the Vietnam War, too many men and women were not celebrated, recognized or treated with respect when they came home. These individuals fought for our country and put their lives on the line, and because LTC Kettles turned his helicopter around and braved enemy ammunition and shell fire, he saved the lives of 44 men. We need to tell the good stories of the Vietnam War and recognize the true patriots who refused to give up or leave a man behind. Charlie Kettles is one such patriot, and I am pleased that nearly 50 years later, with the award of the Medal of Honor, his contributions to our country will be properly honored.” 

The White House noted, “Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.) Kettles will receive the Medal of Honor for his actions while serving as a Flight Commander assigned to 176th Aviation Company (Airmobile) (Light), 14th Combat Aviation Battalion, Americal Division. Then-Major Kettles distinguished himself in combat operations near Duc Pho, Republic of Vietnam, on May 15, 1967. He led a platoon of UH-1Ds to provide support to the 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division, during an ambush by a battalion-sized enemy force. After leading several trips to the hot landing zone and evacuating the wounded, he returned, without additional aerial support, to rescue a squad-sized element of stranded soldiers pinned down by enemy fire. He is credited with saving the lives of 40 soldiers and four of his own crew members.”

Then-Major Kettles was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross in 1968. In 2012, a local campaign was launched by William Vollano, a coordinator with the Veterans History Project, and the Kettles family to upgrade his award to the Medal of Honor. A number of men from his company and the 101st Airborne Division sent letters validating his heroic actions, and former Congressman John Dingell sent multiple letters to the United States Army asking for LTC Kettles to be considered for the United States of America’s highest military honor. 

In reviewing the facts, Secretary of Defense Ash Carter responded in August 2015 and agreed that then-Major Kettles’ actions merited the Medal of Honor, but because the statute of limitations had passed, Congressional action was required. In November 2015, Congresswoman Debbie Dingell introduced H.R. 3995, which would waive the time limitation and allow the President to award LTC Kettles the Medal of Honor. It was included in the fiscal year 2016 government funding bill which was signed into law on December 18, 2015 (P.L. 114-113).

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