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The Detroit News: Rep. Dingell to lawmakers: Get courage to fix roads

The Detroit News

Mackinac Island — U.S. Rep. Debbie Dingell says state lawmakers lack the fortitude to reach a solution on how to pay for repairing Michigan’s crumbling roads.

Mackinac Island — U.S. Rep. Debbie Dingell says state lawmakers lack the fortitude to reach a solution on how to pay for repairing Michigan’s crumbling roads.

“You all need to tell your state legislators to get some balls,” the Dearborn Democrat said during Friday session on the final day of the Mackinac Policy Conference. “If we don't want to be a Third World country, we’ve got to fix our infrastructure.”

Dingell’s blunt assessment of the political stalemate on road funding in Lansing came as transportation infrastructure policy dominated the discussions among state business and political leaders who gathered on Mackinac Island this week for the Detroit Regional Chamber’s policy conference.

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