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The News-Herald: Dingell speaks out against Fast Track legislation

The News-Herald

Just days after officially taking office, U.S. Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-Dearborn) spoke out against a piece of legislation for the first time.

As a press conference along with several of her colleagues, union and environmental activists, faith and social justice leaders and consumer advocates she officially condemned legislation that would form a “Fast Track Authority,” that would allow certain types of legislation to be passed quickly through Congress with little discussion.

The legislation would grant powers to President Barack Obama to allow him to sign trade agreements and other similar legislation without prior congressional approval.

“The President’s policies have helped bring back American manufacturing, and our auto industry is now at the front end of this renaissance,” Dingell said. “But a bad trade agreement jeopardizes the shared progress we’ve made.

“Fast Track does not allow Congress to conduct the necessary oversight to ensure trade legislation protects our economy and our workers. And it does not allow Congress to address countries that manipulate their currency to gain unfair advantage. This is the mother of all trade barriers.”

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