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House Passes Clean Energy Reform Bill with Dingell Priorities

Dingell Provisions Update Dam Safety, Invest in Electric Vehicles & Charging Infrastructure, Public-Private Financing for Clean Energy Programs, and More

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, during Clean Energy Week, the House of Representatives passed the Clean Economy Jobs and Innovation Act which makes long-overdue reforms to U.S. energy policy and authorizes major investments in the transition to a low-carbon future.

Dingell included a number of provisions in the legislation including:

  • Electrifying our transportation sector and advancing the development, production, and distribution of electric vehicle and charging infrastructure,
  • Improving dam and hydropower safety operations and oversight,
  • Creating the Clean Energy and Sustainability Accelerator to publicly finance and stimulate private investment in clean, renewable energy and emissions reduction projects
  • Establishing a program of research, development, and demonstration activities on more efficient and sustainable materials, technologies, and processes for the manufacture, development, and use of the passenger and commercial vehicles (Stevens-Dingell)
  • Clarifying the definitions of residential and commercial water heating equipment (Dingell-Walberg)

“To remain at the forefront of innovation and global competitiveness, we must usher in a new era of American energy leadership and move toward a clean and just economy,” said Dingell. “The Clean Economy Jobs and Innovation Act is strong, achievable clean energy policies that lay the groundwork for important and comprehensive future climate policy. Further, this bill puts jobs at the steering wheel to result in new, good paying jobs in Michigan and all across the country.”

Dingell is a leader in Congress on electric vehicles and auto policy. Dingell leads the USA Electrify Forward Act, comprehensive electric vehicle and electric infrastructure legislation in the House. The bill is focused on five pillars: (1) retooling domestic manufacturing, (2) updating building codes, (3) electrifying all forms of transportation, (4) deploying more EV charging stations, and (5) improving the Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Loan Program.

“As we look at ways to update our energy policies and keep the United States at the forefront of a low-carbon future, we must include decarbonizing the transportation sector,” said Dingell. “It’s critical the United States accelerate the deployment of electric vehicles and charging infrastructure to remain on the forefront of innovation and global competitiveness. Investing in electric vehicles and expanding necessary EV charging stations nationwide will help reduce costs, curb range anxiety, and create the manufacturing jobs of the future—it is also pivotal to the United States rapidly transitioning to a clean, net zero emissions economy.”

Dingell’s provisions enhance dam and hydropower safety operation requirements and aims to modernize existing infrastructure through the development of new best practices and improved communications between FERC and states. Dingell pushed for the provisions after the breach of the Edenville Dam and Sanford Dam in Michigan caused extensive damage throughout the region’s downstream communities that drowned homes, businesses, and whole cities.

“It is clear there are serious gaps in existing laws that need to be addressed. What happened in Michigan this spring, can never happen again in any city in America with a high hazard dam,” said Dingell. “A pillar of modernizing our energy system must be protecting Americans and preventing disasters.”

Finally, the Clean Economy Jobs and Innovation Act features Dingell provisions to publicly finance and stimulate private investment in clean, renewable energy and emission reduction projects. The Clean Energy and Sustainability Accelerator – formerly known as and based on H.R.5416, the National Climate Bank Act – uses public capital to stimulate private investment in a range of projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and accelerate the nation’s clean economy transition across many sectors.

“Establishing the Clean Energy and Sustainability Accelerator will serve as an important implementation tool to achieve a clean energy economy by publicly financing and stimulating private investments in clean, renewable energy projects, clean transportation, and support communities most effected by climate change,” said Dingell. “The Accelerator will finance critical infrastructure projects and mobilizes investment directly into the greenhouse gas emissions reduction projects most in need of capital. The expansion of these projects will create good jobs, a strong future workforce, and deliver a clean economy that works for communities in Michigan and across the country.”


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