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Dingell Reaffirms Commitment to Fair Trade, Fighting TPP in Meeting with United Steelworkers

U.S. Congresswoman Debbie Dingell (MI-12) released the following statement today after meeting with members of United Steelworkers District 2, which represents 235 Locals and more than 80,000 active and retired Steelworkers in Michigan and Wisconsin, to discuss the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and its impact on American manufacturing and workers. 

“The working men and women of Michigan have seen firsthand the devastating impact of bad trade policies that cost jobs and hurt American manufacturing, and the TPP would be more of the same,” said Dingell.  “Every time I drive Downriver past the vacant buildings that were once thriving manufacturing plants, I become even more committed to fighting this trade deal and ensuring that we keep jobs in America. Our workers can compete with anyone in the world as long as they have a level playing field, and until our trade agreements meaningfully address currency manipulation – the mother of all trade barriers – American workers will continue to be disadvantaged by foreign governments who tilt the playing field in favor of their industries and against the United States. American workers need a government that will fight for them, and the Steelworkers are taking that message throughout the halls of Congress today. I will continue working with them to fight for fair trade policies in this country that level the playing field, protect jobs and grow American manufacturing.”

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