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Dingell Responds to Trump Administration’s NAFTA Renegotiating Objectives

U.S. Congresswoman Debbie Dingell (MI-12) today released the following statement after the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) released a summary of objectives for the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

“In states like Michigan, where the auto industry is the backbone of our economy, decades of bad trade deals have hollowed out our manufacturing base and cost too many hardworking Americans the opportunity to earn a decent living. That’s why, when President Trump made big promises on NAFTA renegotiations during the campaign – to reduce our trade deficit and create U.S. manufacturing jobs – his message resonated with the people I represent.

“It’s now time to back up that talk with action. Like the administration’s original notice to Congress in May, the negotiating objectives released today are vague, short on details and fail to outline how this NAFTA renegotiation would raise wages or create new American jobs. 

“This agreement must be negotiated in a way that puts working Americans first, and transparency is critical. I will be working with my colleagues to ensure the American people know what is being negotiated and can determine how these policies will impact their families. I urge the administration to work with Congress on a real game plan that will make our trade deals better for working men and women and uphold President Trump’s promise to the people I represent.” 

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