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Dingell Statement on Ford’s Withdrawal from Japanese Auto Market

Congresswoman Debbie Dingell (MI-12) released the following statement after Ford Motor Company announced it would cease all operations in Japan, underscoring the need for meaningful protections against currency manipulation in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement to protect the American auto industry and its workers:  

“Japan is the most closed auto market in the world, and until our trade agreements meaningfully address currency manipulation, the mother of all trade barriers, American companies will continue to be threatened and disadvantaged by foreign governments who attempt to tilt the global playing field in favor of their industries and against the United States. The TPP’s lack of any meaningful currency protections means that it will be more of the same. We need our government to fight for companies in the global marketplace in the same manner as some other countries do. This business decision by Ford is further evidence of the impact of unfair currency manipulation.”

Dingell has repeatedly called on the Administration to include strong, enforceable measures against currency manipulation in the TPP.

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