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Dingell Statement on President Trump’s Executive Orders on Trade

U.S. Congresswoman Debbie Dingell (MI-12) released the following statement regarding two executive orders signed by President Trump that direct the Administration to release a report examining the causes of U.S. trade deficits and collect unpaid trade penalties.

“The working men and women of my district need and deserve real changes to U.S. trade policy that level the playing field for the American worker and bring jobs back to this country. During his campaign, President Trump understood the fear and anxiety workers felt about another bad trade deal that would ship jobs overseas. His message resonated, but the executive orders signed today do not address the core issues he made the centerpiece of his campaign. 

“Enforcing penalties against countries that break the rules is a first step, but what we need is real action on currency manipulation, the mother of all trade barriers. We need strong rules of origin for autos and auto parts and we need to renegotiate NAFTA in a way that puts working families first. My district is the heart and soul of the American auto industry – we know the impact of bad trade deals firsthand – and I stand ready to work toward a new trade agenda that levels the playing field and creates jobs here at home.”

In February, Dingell and her colleagues introduced a Blueprint for America’s New Trade Policy, a resolution outlining principles that must be included in any replacement of NAFTA, including enforceable protections against currency manipulation and strong rules of origin for cars and auto parts. For more information, please click here.

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