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Dingell Statement on Reports of Ford Announcement

U.S. Congresswoman Debbie Dingell (MI-12) today released the following statement regarding reports that Ford is considering personnel cuts to its global operations.

“Like everybody in our community, I am deeply concerned by reports that Ford is considering reductions to its workforce. This would have a direct and significant impact on my district, which is the heart and soul of the auto industry and home to the hardest working men and women I know.

“While we need to see the details of Ford’s plan, it is a strong reminder of the responsibility of Congress to help create a business climate that ensures we are keeping jobs here in the U.S., supporting a strong manufacturing base, and as a result, a healthy auto industry. We need to be focused on policies not politics, and the uncertainty coming out of Washington these days is not creating economic stability or inspiring consumer confidence. In fact, it is doing the opposite. We need to be working together to accelerate our efforts to address barriers facing manufacturers and ensure our companies and workers can compete in the global marketplace. We need trade policies that protect against currency manipulation and ensure a level playing field. We need tax policies that ensure companies have access to the capital they need to keep the U.S. at the forefront of innovation and technology. The auto industry is still the backbone of the American economy, and we need to ensure that we can protect and grow the jobs in this industry, while at the same time ensuring companies can invest in growth and take advantage of emerging opportunities to remain competitive.

“The bottom line is: this is about jobs. It’s about our families, friends and neighbors. We need to do everything we can to keep manufacturing in this country, and I will work with anyone to advance policies that protect and grow jobs and keep our economy strong. We need more than words, we need action.”

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