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Dingell: Customs Bill is “Christmas Tree” of the Holiday Season

Bill Includes Political Provisions Barring Negotiations on Climate Change, Immigration & Human Trafficking

Congresswoman Debbie Dingell (MI-12) today voted against H.R. 644, a customs enforcement bill, which includes a number of political provisions that restrict negotiations on emissions standards and immigration and weaken existing law to deter human trafficking. Dingell spoke in opposition to the bill prior to the vote. Video is available here

The full text of Dingell’s floor speech can be read below.  

Mr. Speaker, when the Ways and Means Committee first began considering this bill, it represented a real opportunity to improve our system of trade and eliminate loopholes that allow foreign nations and bad actors to avoid our trade laws. Currency manipulation is the number one trade abuse that must be addressed.  

Unfortunately, this bill has become the Christmas tree of the holiday season, and it is being used to put lipstick on a pig that is our current trade negotiations. It ties our negotiators hands on even negotiating common emissions standards by restricting any consideration of climate issues, and prevents them from negotiating immigration related language as well. Further, it weakens existing trade laws designed to prevent human trafficking.  

And the ribbon on this Christmas surprise is a totally new provision on internet taxation that isn’t even in the jurisdiction of the Ways and Means Committee and could have unintended consequences that could bankrupt local governments.  

There are good provisions at the core of this bill to help improve our customs system, but they are outweighed by the political gamesmanship that has made this legislation impossible to support. We have seen too many other examples of last minute political provisions inserted in bills over the years, and we risk unintended consequences of these political provisions as well.  

Thank you, and I yield back the balance of my time.  

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