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The Detroit Free Press: Dingell, labor leaders seek to stop trade deal

The Detroit Free Press

Rep. Debbie Dingell and labor leaders throughout southeast Michigan today urged their members to urge their congressmen and women to vote against granting President Barack Obama fast track authority to negotiate the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Rep. Debbie Dingell and labor leaders throughout southeast Michigan today urged their members to urge their congressmen and women to vote against granting President Barack Obama fast track authority to negotiate the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

The Senate has already approved fast track authority. If the House follows suit, the president will sign it and the trade agreement with 11 other nations will take effect.

Both the UAW and the domestic automakers oppose the deal in its present form. They want the Obama administration to insert enforceable restrictions against currency manipulation and require participating countries honor a set of labor standards.

"We keep being asked to vote on trade agreements that are hurting American workers," Dingell said while speaking on the lawn in front of UAW Local 600 in Dearborn.

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