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Dingell, Latta Recognized for “Game-changing” Contributions to the Automotive Industry

U.S. Representatives Debbie Dingell (MI-12) and Bob Latta (OH-05) were announced last night as Autos2050 award winners by the Auto Alliance and the Alliance for Transportation Innovation in Washington, D.C. The Representatives were recognized for making game-changing contributions to the automotive industry over the past year, including their leadership in passing the SELF DRIVE Act and work to advance the testing and deployment of autonomous vehicles as members of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce.  
“The future of mobility is here, and it is an honor to be recognized by the Auto Alliance and the Alliance for Transportation Innovation for our work to keep the U.S. in the driver’s seat,” said Dingell. “I was proud to partner with Chairman Latta and our committee colleagues to pass bipartisan self-driving legislation that brings us closer than ever to reducing congestion on our roads, improving mobility for seniors and those with disabilities, keeping the U.S. at the forefront of innovation and technology, and reducing the more than 35,000 deaths on our roadways each year. We’re committed to ensuring the right framework is in place to encourage innovation, while always putting safety first.”
"It's an honor to be recognized by the Auto Alliance for the work that we did on the Energy and Commerce committee to advance self-driving legislation,” said Latta, Chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Subcommittee on Digital Commerce and Consumer Protection. “From the beginning, this was a bipartisan effort with Congresswoman Dingell, and it's one of the best examples this Congress that it's still possible to work across the aisle to get things done in Washington. We're not quite there yet, but I'm optimistic that we can drive autonomous vehicle legislation across the finish line this year and unleash the innovation that exists in the automotive sector to help make our roads safer and increase mobility."
“It is important to spotlight the innovators and pioneers who are making future advancements a reality today. Their efforts and technologies have the potential to bring tremendous societal benefits – first and foremost greater motor vehicle safety, as well as greater mobility and reduced emissions,” said Bainwol.
Recipients were nominated by peers within the industry and selected by the Autos2050 SM Host Committee comprised of representatives from automakers. The 2050 Awards recognize ingenuity, impact and leadership.

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