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Dingell: CBO Score Confirms Senate Bill Just as “Mean” as House Bill

U.S. Congresswoman Debbie Dingell (MI-12) released the following statement on the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office’s (CBO) score of the Senate proposal to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

“I agree with President Trump on one point – the House repeal bill is ‘mean.’ Today’s CBO score confirms that the Senate bill is just as heartless as the one jammed through the House. This proposal will have a devastating impact on working families, with 22 million Americans losing coverage and millions more paying higher out-of-pocket costs to get the care they need. It goes back on the promise President Trump made to protect people with pre-existing conditions by eliminating essential health benefits like prescription drug coverage, hospitalizations and emergency services. It would also eliminate Medicaid expansion, which has extended coverage to nearly 700,000 Michiganders and provides critical services for children and those with long-term care needs.

“The Senate should reject this dangerous bill, and instead work in a bipartisan manner to improve the Affordable Care Act. Turning our backs on our most vulnerable, children, seniors and those with pre-existing conditions is not the answer.”

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